

This is my “word” for 2018.  I went back and forth and considered a few others, but this was the one I kept coming back to.  There were just so many ways I could think of that this word would apply to things I wanted accomplish and the way I wanted to live. In Genesis, we read about the unique and personal creation of man.  God didn’t just speak Adam into existence like the rest of creation;

“He breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being.” (Genesis 2:7).

In order for Adam to have life he had to inhale the breath of life from God Himself! In Ezekiel 37:5-6 (which is my theme verse) we see God speaking to Ezekiel as he is looking out over a valley full of dead, dry bones.

“Thus says the Lord God to these bones, ‘Behold, I will cause breath to enter you that you may come to life […] that you may come alive.'”

This year I want God to breathe new life into me. I want to come alive to the sights and sounds and smells and beauty and wonder around me.  I want to absorb His Word, be filled with His Spirit, learn and do new things.  I want to inhale the sweet scent of baby and enjoy the quiets moments rocking her to sleep. I want to sit and enjoy the aroma of coffee and drink it before it’s cold! (lol) I want to pause and take a deep breath before reacting out of anger or frustration with my kids or husband. I want to slow down so I can be fully present in the moment. I wan to savor the mundane moments making lunch with my four-year old or doing laundry with my six-year old.  And not only do I want to take it all in, but inhaling also naturally implies exhaling.  Here again Scripture tells us that what comes out is a reflection of what we take in. What we are filled with overflows to those around us. I want to be a fragrant aroma of Christ to others, and I can’t do this unless I’ve inhaled all that He has for me.

It sounds kind of funny to talk about “inhaling” God’s Word, but the word “inhale” is so much bigger than just “breathe.”  Think about it in food terms. We all eat everyday, but you know that feeling of hunger when you’ve maybe missed a meal or two?  When you finally get a plate of food you “inhale” it. We use this word to describe taking something in with vigor and a sense of urgency.  Hunger drives us to inhale.  Are you hungry for more? More beauty? More joy?  More Jesus?

Another cool synonym for “inhale” is “inspire.”  The word “inspiration” can refer to the physical act of taking air into our lungs, but we more often use this word to talk about motivating or spurring on someone to take action. The dictionary puts it this way: “fill (someone) with the urge or ability to do or feel something, especially to do something creative.”  What or who inspires you?  Who do you inspire?  (I feel another post coming about some of the awesome people and things that inspire me!) Don’t just wake up and walk through your day without purpose and without joy.  INHALE. Be inspired to inspire.




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