
  • Inspiration

    God Understands My Season

    Seasons are part of the natural rhythm of life - necessary and important. Each season holds its own joys and its own trials. There is always opportunity to grow and to learn. Seasons shape us and change us. The writer of Ecclesiastes tells us that "there is a time for every matter under heaven".... to mourn and dance, to keep and to throw away, to weep and laugh, to be born and to die. Seasons. A phrase I hear frequently among moms of littles when discussing their struggle to spend time studying Scripture is "Thank goodness God understands the season I'm in." Indeed raising small children is a unique and…

  • Inspiration

    Clear Blurry Vision

    If there was a theme for the year 2020 it seemed to be "vision" - 20/20 vision, but that perfectly clear vision became extremely blurred when COVID-19 appeared... What is it that is making this current situation seem so extra frightening? I think it's the loss of the illusion that we are somehow in control.

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  • Corona Chronicles,  Home Managment,  Inspiration,  Motherhood

    The Corona Chronicles – Volume 1

    This week started out like any other know homeschooling two kids for the first time, entertaining a toddler and wearing a newborn after approximately 4.6 hours of sleep while the hubby works from home in "my" office....all while not being allowed to venture out of the house, wearing a mask if I need to and being afraid to touch the mail with my bare hands. ... Let me back up a little...

  • Inspiration

    When My Feet Hit the Floor

    It’s been a rally long time since I’ve had the time, motivation or inspiration to write. As I’ve spent some time pondering our current circumstances, I’ve realized that the title and sub themes I created for this blog years ago perfectly address the way I’m feeling now. When My Feet Hit the Floor “Be the kind of woman that when your feet hit the floor the devil says ‘Oh no! She’s up!” I chose this title and quote because it motivates me everyday to get up, rise up and do something of value. Does this still apply when we are quarantined? with nowhere to go? What do we do all…

  • Inspiration,  Motherhood

    Tips to Having More Fun this Christmas

    Does Christmas excite you? or does it stress you out? Do you look forward to this time of year? or do you secretly dread it? Is your Christmas filled with fun and laughter? Or is it harried and hurried? Are you able to relax and soak in the moments and memories? or do you just feel the pressure to do all things and buy all the things? If I had to guess, I’d say most of you are somewhere right in the middle, feeling all of these things at some point during the holidays. But it doesn’t have to be this way. I absolutely LOVE Christmas. All the things! The…

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  • Inspiration

    “Find Your Tribe”

    Friendships are great. Friendships are important. We were created for community and relationship. We were not designed to live life alone and isolated. I'm all about having close friends and loving people. So, why do I find I have such a hard time using the word "tribe" to describe my friends?

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  • Inspiration


    A couple of months ago I sat across the table in a small coffee shop with a woman I had just met for the very first time. It was kind of like an interview, but not for a job. We talked about my life as a mom; my marriage; my strengths and my weaknesses; my experiences and upbringing. Towards the end of our conversation she just looked at me and said, "I have a word from God for you." The word is 'Listen.'"

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  • Inspiration

    I Am Not Enough

    I am not enough. I am not enough for my kids. I am not enough for my husband. I am not skinny enough. I am not pretty enough. I am not nice enough. I am not __[fill in the blank]__ enough. I'm just not. I know the more popular mantra is "I am enough," but the truth is I'm not.  I am not enough for all the people in my life.  I am not good enough at all the things.  I never will be.  And I shouldn't want to be. 

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  • Inspiration,  Motherhood

    My #PerfectLife

    I mean, what's not to love?  I have a great husband who is a great dad to our girls.  I have three beautiful sweet girls.  I have two work-from-home jobs that I really enjoy.  I have friends and community and a great family.  My instagram is full of pretty pictures of me and my family on the beach, me wearing pretty jewelry, pretty cups of coffee and journals, me getting to spend time with Jesus, and some other random pictures of my pretty much #perfectlife. OK, by now I know you're wondering where this is going.....