Trades of Hope

  • Inspiration,  Trades of Hope

    Go While You Stay

    There's nothing worse for an extroverted, achievement-driven, go-getter with severe FOMO (fear-of-missing-out) than feeling like you are sitting on the sidelines.  I've always been a "yes" girl.  I've always wanted to be actively involved in as many things as possible - always with my hand in dozens of jars, wearing multiple hats, and on the go.  I thrive this way.  However, being a mom of littles has made it more difficult to live like this.  Nap times, feeding schedules, bedtimes, sitters, etc...are now all things that come first, and I sometimes find myself feeling more like a bench player.

  • Trades of Hope

    Redeeming Identities

    Women around the world face all sorts of hardships that I don’t think we can really wrap our heads around here in the US. Up until about three years ago I was completely naive to what some women around the world are facing.  And if I’m being honest, maybe I was aware, but I just didn’t really want to see because I thought there was nothing really meaningful I could do to help. Then I found Trades of Hope. Trades of Hope not only awakened me to a whole new world of suffering at the hands of poverty but also to a solution – a tangible way to make changes…

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