

A couple of months ago I sat across the table in a small coffee shop with a woman I had just met for the very first time. It was kind of like an interview, but not for a job. We talked about my life as a mom; my marriage; my strengths and my weaknesses; my experiences and upbringing. Towards the end of our conversation she just looked at me and said, “I have a word from God for you.” The word is ‘Listen.'”

I laughed. Not because I thought it was funny, but because it was so spot on. This woman who knew nothing about me until today nailed me on the head. Well, I guess God did because really, He knows me best – better than I know myself. I also laughed as I jokingly said not to tell my husband because he would whole-heartedly agree that I need to listen more.

It’s so simple. It’s not earth-shattering. It’s not a fancy, beautiful word. It’s not unique. It’s pretty basic and even a little unexciting. But it’s perfect.

As the year began to come to a close, I pondered what word I wanted to be my reminder for this year. “Rest” was a word that came to mind. Last year my word was “Inhale” and was all about trying to pause and take in the moment and enjoy life around me. I would probably have to give myself a C+ or B- though. There were definitely moments where I would catch myself and remember my word and breathe; but there were still so so many times I didn’t. Life was full of changes and shifts this year. I’m in a busy and hectic season of motherhood and WAHM life so sometimes it’a really hard. I’m tired. So “Rest” seemed like a great option.

But, then that word – LISTEN – wouldn’t get out of my head. It kept popping up everywhere. I knew it was what God wanted me to hear and what He wants me to do.

I’m a fast-paced girl. I talk fast, move fast, work fast, and get impatient quickly. When people don’t speak quickly enough or get to the point fast enough I rush them or talk over them. When my kids are trying to say something and its taking too long I speak for them. When I spend time in the Word, I mostly read and write down my thoughts instead of pausing to hear what else God may be saying to me. I love to have quiet time with the Lord, but I’m super academic when it comes to studying and not always introspective.

So this year, I want to sit still, rest in Him, abide in Him, and listen for Him to speak.

This year, as I abide in Him and become more filled with His Spirit I want to have the patience to sit and listen to what my husband and kids are saying to me. I want to be more intuitive to know when they need my attention and when they need me to sit and listen or just be with them.

I want to stop rushing around like a crazy person with 100 things on my to-do list unable to sit and rest until all the things are done. Life is happening right now, and I don’t want to miss it.

God is so good, and His timing is perfect. I love how He speaks to us when we listen. I love how He confirms His Word to us when we are in tune with Him. Just this last week, our pastor preached on a passage that is one I’m very familiar with and one that has spoken to me over the years.

Luke 10:38-42. It’s the story of Jesus coming into the home of Mary and Martha. Mary sits at the feet of Jesus and Martha complains that Mary isn’t helping her in the kitchen. Jesus’ words to Martha are  “Martha, Martha, you are worried and bothered about so many things; 42 but only one thing is necessary, for Mary has chosen the good part, which shall not be taken away from her.”

In my Bible, Martha’s name is scribbled out, and my name is written in it’s place. It’s the story of my life. But this past week my eyes were opened to a new perspective on this passage that placed it right in line with what God laid on my heart for this upcoming year.

There is work to be done. Always. Good work. Important work. Kingdom work. God didn’t tell Martha that what she was doing was wrong or unimportant, but He emphasized that what Mary was doing was “necessary.” (some translations say “essential.”)

This passage in Scripture in nestled in between the passage where Jesus tells His disciples that they are to go out into the world as “sheep among wolves” and a passage on prayer followed by the work of casting out demons. There is important and life-changing work to be done, but it’s also difficult and even dangerous. We can’t go out to do this work alone or we won’t make it.

As Christ-followers we are called to do His work, but we are called to do it WITH Him not FOR Him. In order to do this there is one essential, necessary thing: REST at the feet of Jesus; ABIDE in Him, and LISTEN as He speaks and teaches us.

One of my favorite things about this whole passage is the way it ties the resting/abiding/listening to the going. It’s not an either/or thing. It’s not “spend X amount of time praying and resting and then GO and accomplish.” It’s more of a “Pray without ceasing.” It’s a “Listen as you go.” “Abide hand-in-hand with Jesus as you work.”

To quote our pastor “Sit at the feet of Jesus, abide in Him, learn from Him so that in our going as sheep among wolves we don’t die.”

“Lauren, Lauren, ‘you are are worried and bothered about so many things;  but only one thing is necessary, for Mary has chosen the good part, which shall not be taken away from her.’ Rest. Abide. LISTEN. Choose the good part. The going will still happen, but TOGETHER we will accomplish so much more. “

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