
  • Motherhood

    In My Daughters’ Eyes

    Today is Mothers Day. Today is the day to celebrate moms everywhere - married moms and single moms; moms of one and moms of ten; adoptive moms, biological moms, foster moms, and stepmoms; moms who have never held their babies in their arms. We celebrate you. Motherhood is hard. So hard. It's an often thankless job in the day-to-day things we do for our families. But we do it because we love them. Because it's our job. Because it's what we have been called to do for the rest of our days. I know our children will grow up and leave our homes, but we will never stop being their…

  • Motherhood


    Fail. I was totally trying to stage this photo with my sparkly shoes strategically placed next to my hand-quilted throw that matches my color scheme, but then...a crawling infant interrupted my perfectly staged photo op. Story. of. my. life. Interrupted. Even my kids favorite knock knock joke is about interrupting. Have you heard this one? "Knock Knock" "Who's there?" "Interrupting cow." "Interrupt-.... "Moooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!"

  • Home Managment,  Motherhood

    On a Mission to Do the Dishes

    Saying we are “on a mission” sounds so exciting and adventurous. When I think of being on a mission, I think of military, special forces, and other similarly cool people. I don’t often put  myself in that category.  I mean I’m constantly “on a mission” to do something, but it’s not very exciting or adventurous.  It’s definitely not glamorous, and I’m definitely not earning any medals for cleaning cheerios off the floor. I wish. I’m in a stage of life that stills feels new and makes me feel unsure of what I’m doing a lot of the time – even though I’ve been a mom for over 6 years now.…

  • Motherhood

    This Room

    Decorating nurseries is always fun.  When we were expecting our first daughter we went all out as first time parents usually do. Everything was color-coordinated.  She had a big beautiful custom-made tree decal on her wall.  Her dresser and shelves had cute little knickknacks. We bought a fancy convertible crib. Then, when our second daughter was born we put her in a crib that was given to us used (because my oldest daughter was now using her convertible bed as a toddler bed.) Her “room” also doubled as a play room and even a guest room because of the futon that was in there.  Poor kiddo. We moved to a…

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