

Awaken.  There are so many things I could write about this word.  I love it so much! First let’s take a look at the definition of this word:

  1. rouse from sleep; cause to stop sleeping
  2. make someone aware of something for the first time

The first definition is more literal, and the second is more figurative.  I love both meanings, and both of them apply to how I want to greet each new day.

I am a stay-at-home/work-at-home mom.  I have three little girls, ages 6, 4, and 9 mo.  My 9mo old still doesn’t sleep through the night without waking to be nursed, and I teach ESL online to kiddos in China via the VIPKID platform (you can learn more about this if you click the link in the sidebar of my page or here: which means I teach on Bejing time and have to get up around 5am. SO, rousing from sleep is hard sometimes.  A lot of days, I’m dragging by 2pm even after two cups of good coffee and some morning yoga time. I’ve been known to sit down to play with my four year old and fall asleep on the floor. (mom fail) The idea of awakening and staying awake all day is super exciting for me.

However, I don’t just want to be awake physically.  I mean that’s a great first step and kind of a prerequisite for anything else I want to accomplish during the day, but I don’t want it to end there. People always say “Enjoy it now.”  “They grow up so fast.” “You’ll miss this one day.” etc… I know it’s true, but in reality it’s hard sometimes when you’re tired, and your kids are calling your name for the 100th time in 5 minutes, or the big girls are arguing, or someone’s butt needs wiped-again.   In a perfect world, I would bound out of bed with a smile on my face. I would play games and sing songs and do crafts with my kids and never yell at them.  HA! Now I know that’s not realistic, but somewhere in between falling asleep on the floor and never yelling at my kids I think there is a real space where I can live and thrive and awaken to the beauty of motherhood and life.  While all the moments of life aren’t perfect and wonderful and fun, a lot of moments are.  We just need to be intentional about looking for them.  We need to be awakened to the beauty of things we may not have noticed before or things we didn’t necessarily think were beautiful before.  Instead of getting annoyed that my kids want to follow under my feet all day, I can stop and look into their cute (my kids are pretty cute:) little faces and appreciate the fact that -for now- they think I’m the best things since sliced bread and want to be with me.  Instead of getting angry that I’ve been roused from sleep at 1am I can try to enjoy the quiet moments alone in the dark with just my sweet baby. There is beauty all around us, if we will only awaken our eyes to see it:)

Not only is there an awakening to be had in the daily – often mundane – routines of life, but there is an awakening of the mind and the soul that I don’t want to miss out on either.  I’ve been a Christ-follower from childhood, and there is always something new to gain from spending time in God’s Word and in prayer and in quiet active listening. I want to awaken to the things He wants to teach me in each phase of life.  I also love to read. I’m a learner by nature.  I want to know why.  I want to know more.  I want to be awakened to things I never knew before and new perspectives on things I already know. I also want to strive to be more others-focused.  It’s so easy in this stage of motherhood to get lost in your own world. I am super thankful that three years ago I became a Compassionate Entrepreneur with Trades of Hope.  This job really opened my eyes to global poverty and a better way to help those living that reality. Trades of Hope has given me a way to rise up and speak up for others.  It was also Trades of Hope that awakened me to the possibility that became the reality of being a SAHM/WAHM. (You can read more about Trades of Hope in my blog, and you can check out the link in my sidebar or here: )

I feel like I’m just scratching the surface with all the implications of this word.  AWAKEN.  Awaken to the sights and sounds and beauty around you, in your everyday surroundings and tasks and chores. Soak up the sunshine. Seize the day. See the goodness.  Open your heart and mind and soul to the possibilities. Be the light for others.  Rise up. Go get ’em! You can do it! Start today when your feet hit the floor.

(This devotional book pictured above by Priscilla Shirer was part of my inspiration for my blog. You can get your own copy of the fabulous book here:



  • Tori

    Okay I loved this post! I really need to “awaken,” both spiritually and in my day to day life. Also, I totally want to look into the VIPKID program you mentioned!

    • admin

      Thanks Tori! And if you are seriously interested in VIPKID, I’d love to talk to you more about it and help you out. Now is a great time to apply (before summer starts and all the teachers start applying! )

  • Britney

    Can you be my spirit animal, please?

    This is literally the struggle I have every, single day! Get out of bed and do my duties as a mother and women or sleep because I stayed up passed 11pm and I’m soooo tired.

    THANK you! this is so inspirational!

  • Tiffany

    What a great reminder to look beyond the surface! I hear this word when I’m too far from God and the church. I need a new devotional and this would be perfect!