Health and Wellness

All About the Numbers

The numbers.  It’s always about the numbers.  How much money you make.  How many followers you have. How many pounds are on the scale…

It’s so easy to get discouraged by those little numbers on the scale. Day in and day out I check.  (Why do I do this to myself?  As if I’m going to drop 5 pounds overnight.)  It’s so easy to compare, and I don’t just mean compare yourself to others.  Comparing your current self to your “used-to-be” self can be just as bad or worse. I can literally look at a photo of myself from a couple years ago and find myself feeling depressed, and immediately begin the negative self-talk.  My husband always has some kind of encouraging comment in response, but honestly, it doesn’t really change how I feel when I see those “old” photos compared to the current ones.

If we’re being honest, we’ve all looked at a photo of ourselves at one time or another and said “Ewww. DELETE that!” We all have a “good” side and a not-so-great angle.  I think the problem arises when we let how we feel or think about the way we look negatively interfere with how we live. For example, every year my whole family goes on a vacation to the beach.

For a couple of years after I had babies I found myself not wanting to participate in some of the activities I usually would have because I felt uncomfortable about how I looked.  I let how I felt about the way I looked affect my attitude, my mood, and my actions. Ultimately I let it steal my joy, some fun times with family, and sweet memories with my kids.  I spent more time watching from a distance than being an active participant; and while being a spectator is nice sometimes, being in the game is so much more fun.

I realize now that it was silly of me to let those insecurities affect my choice to have fun and enjoy my family, but I also realize that I don’t like feeling that way to begin with.  I’ve always known that if there is something I don’t like, something I’m not satisfied with, an area where I feel like I’m not giving my best – then I have the choice to do something about it.  I learned years ago that while feelings can affect actions, actions also affect feelings. So I choose to take action. Part of the reason I chose the three words “Awaken, Inhale,” and “Thrive” is because each of these words are action verbs. They all involve a conscious decision and an intentional act.  Something I can chose to do.  So…

I’ve been making some changes to my daily habits that include exercise, healthier food choices, and additional supplements. God created each of our bodies uniquely, so being “fit” will look different for each of us.  However, I think that being “well” should be a goal we all strive for.  If we want our bodies to work the way they were created to we have to take care of them.  It’s not just about how we look or the numbers on the scale.  Being well enables us to thrive.  If we are tired, run down, uncomfortable, sick, etc… then it affects what we are able to do and how we are able to do it.   From personal experience, if my body isn’t functioning at 100% then none of me – my mind, my emotions, my attitude, etc… – is functioning at 100%.  If I’m not eating right, getting sleep, getting exercise, and getting fresh air then my energy is down, I’m lethargic and unmotivated, I’m cranky and impatient, I’m not fully present, and I’m missing out.

This week in my devotion from Awaken by Priscilla Shirer she talked about the fact that multiplying a number by a whole number versus a fraction has a completely different effect on the outcome. The context was about Paul fully and wholly devoting himself to the church in Thessalonica.  Although his time with them was brief, he gave himself wholeheartedly to the people – 100% – and because of this, the believers multiplied.  Had he given only a fraction of his time/energy/effort, there would have been a negative effect.  Whether we apply this concept to exercise, eating well, our jobs, spending time with our family, etc… the principle is the same.  Anytime we only give a fraction of ourselves or our effort we actually end up diminishing our results.  We need to choose what things are worth devoting our time to, and then we need to choose to be wholeheartedly devoted to them.  All the way. 100%.

Part of what I’m learning on this journey to wellness is that it is just that – a journey.  It’s a journey with life-altering effects, and it’s a journey I have to be committed to if I want to see results.  While right now the numbers on my scale may not be where I would like them to be I know that by sticking with it and being consistent I’m continuing to make changes to my body in other ways, changes in my mind, and changes for my family.  For now, I am grateful for a body that can ride the rides, slide down the slide, walk to the park, carry a baby, play soccer, and demonstrate a cartwheel.  I am learning that instead of focusing on the numbers on the scale, I can just focus on being 100% committed to the process.  It doesn’t have to be a huge step or a drastic change.  It just needs to be a consistent, committed step where you give 100% to whatever to decide to do – one decision at a time. So forget the numbers on the scale, focus on the goal of wellness, and commit 100% to getting there – for yourself, for your family, and for Your Creator.


(Come back soon to see my post about some practical tips and small changes I’ve been making along the way!)



  • Stacia

    Love it! It’s so hard as moms to find time to take care of ourselves. Just the other day I tried to start back up running on the treadmill and everything tried to interrupt. The phone decided to ring non-stop, kids were having problems, and people showed up at my house as I was finishing (and looking none too good in my workout clothes!) Yet, I persevered and I have kept trying for the past two weeks! We definitely need to be intentional about getting healthy, not just the numbers. That is my goal at this stage in my life, I need to be healthy. I will never see the #’s I had in my 20’s and 30’s, but I need to take care of the body God has given me. Thanks for the encouragement!

  • Debra

    Oh, no….wait until Zack shares the info on adverse health effects from WIFI and cell phones in your home and elsewhere just published!
    One more thing to “manage”.