• Health and Wellness,  Home Managment

    Toxins, Toxins Everywhere

    Thank you Google and social media. No really, thank you! Well sometimes. There is so much information out there these days right at our fingertips. This access to information can be beneficial or overwhelming. The world we live in is full of toxins and harmful substances, and while we want to make sure that we are being good stewards of our bodies, homes, and environment figuring out how to do it all can be overwhelming.

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  • Uncategorized

    I just need some ALONE time

    Several months ago over Thanksgiving break our family went to visit my in-laws in West Virginia. They have a cozy home situated on top of a mountain with a beautiful backyard, a warm fireplace, and reclining chairs. One morning I woke up before everyone else, went downstairs and made a fresh, hot cup of coffee, grabbed my Bible, and sat down in one of those comfy recliners. I inhaled deeply. The smell of my coffee. The quiet in the house. The anticipation of getting to dive into Scripture with God and my coffee and no distractions. and then...

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  • Inspiration


    A couple of months ago I sat across the table in a small coffee shop with a woman I had just met for the very first time. It was kind of like an interview, but not for a job. We talked about my life as a mom; my marriage; my strengths and my weaknesses; my experiences and upbringing. Towards the end of our conversation she just looked at me and said, "I have a word from God for you." The word is 'Listen.'"

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  • Motherhood

    To Santa or Not to Santa?

    In case you haven't noticed, it's Christmas! The most wonderful time of the year. I love everything about Christmas: Christmas trees, cooler weather, boots, Christmas lights, Christmas carols, presents, decorations, nice people, hot chocolate. But there is one thing I'm not a huge fan of, and that's Santa:( GASP! I know. I know. Just call me Scrooge. Or the Grinch.

  • Inspiration

    I Am Not Enough

    I am not enough. I am not enough for my kids. I am not enough for my husband. I am not skinny enough. I am not pretty enough. I am not nice enough. I am not __[fill in the blank]__ enough. I'm just not. I know the more popular mantra is "I am enough," but the truth is I'm not.  I am not enough for all the people in my life.  I am not good enough at all the things.  I never will be.  And I shouldn't want to be. 

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  • Home Managment,  Motherhood,  Uncategorized

    Celebrate Lavishly: Unicorn Birthday Bash

    We try to go all out on birthdays without breaking the bank. Birthdays are a big deal, and we want to celebrate! Check out this year's birthday theme, get some tips on ways to cut costs, and read more about why we make a big deal of birthdays:)

  • Inspiration,  Motherhood

    My #PerfectLife

    I mean, what's not to love?  I have a great husband who is a great dad to our girls.  I have three beautiful sweet girls.  I have two work-from-home jobs that I really enjoy.  I have friends and community and a great family.  My instagram is full of pretty pictures of me and my family on the beach, me wearing pretty jewelry, pretty cups of coffee and journals, me getting to spend time with Jesus, and some other random pictures of my pretty much #perfectlife. OK, by now I know you're wondering where this is going.....

  • Inspiration,  Motherhood

    Raising Surrendered Girls in a Strong Girl World

    I'm a mom of three girls in a culture that shouts "strong girls" and "girl power" at every turn. Yet when I hear or see these phrases I sometimes cringe. I know this sentiment is neither common nor popular. I also know that words like "submission" and "surrender" are almost taboo - even sexist or chauvinist when used in reference to women. Despite all this, here I am trying to raise surrendered girls. You might want to stop reading and dismiss me at this point, but hear me out.

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  • Inspiration

    Fear is a Thief

    Maybe you’ve heard the expression “Fear is a Liar,” but fear is also a thief. It creeps up on you out of nowhere. It comes when you least expect it. It is sneaky.  Like a thief in the night, it comes to steal, kill, and destroy. It steals your joy, your confidence, and the precious moments in your life.

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